Monday, 6 February 2012

Bad Start to 2012

2012 has got off to not such a good start. Personally, I've been feeling really run down and my car has started conking out into the bargain. Work wise, doors have closed and some have started to open.
Last year I was displaced from photographing all my regular Rowallan dressage events by an amateur photographer who had slithered her way in the back door. This year (so far) it is emerging that I have been cast aside from SNEC too, because I didn't ask first, despite being there regularly over the last 2 years!!. Thankfully, Ingliston CC have continued to show support, so I can at least photograph my favourite discipline at one major venue.
So, to all my dressage friends, I am sorry that I'll be around even less this year to see you compete. It is not of my doing.
I don't know what I've done to deserve this, but I only hope that it is making way for something much better.